Develop the Traits of a Leader

1. Read Daily

Develop a love for reading, instead of giving excuses. Instead, prioritize reading in your daily schedule. We always find time for other things, no matter how busy we may be. Why not reading? All great leaders are readers.  

2. Keep Yourself Updated

We live in a world that demands lifelong learning. Never miss a chance to attend relevant webinars, seminars, conferences, sessions, trainings and lectures. Pick the event (virtual or in-person) which you are most interested in to enhance your personal growth and professional development. This is win-win:

    1. You get to learn what new is happening within your network and you stay updated.
    2. You get visibility amongst those whom you aspire to be.
    3. you connect with like-minded people, thus growing your network

3. Be Simple

Remember to KISS – Keep It Simple Silly. A leader’s trademark is ‘Simplicity’. The more easy and organized you are, the more your people will look up to you. A successful leader helps make complex situations simple for his people to work on. 

4. Less is More

Speak less, always choosing your words wisely. A leader’s statement can make or break the entire firm, while also impacting individual careers. 

5. Stay Calm and Sensible

When you stay in command of your emotions, it facilitates good thinking, speech and action. Your thoughts are clear and you speak without confusion, leading to actions that make for success.